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School Board Trustee Endorsements

HEA Members:

A team of HEA members interviewed five candidates for the two open School Board Trustee positions. The candidates interviewed were Janet Armstrong, Terry Beaver, Neal Blossom, Erik Rose, and Charlotte Sanborn. Greg Guthrie declined our invitation for an interview.

Based on answers to our questions, and following long discussion by our team, we are endorsing Janet Armstrong and Terry Beaver. These two candidates rose to the top based on their experience and knowledge of the district, their understanding of the role of the school board, their ability to collaborate and communicate, and their respect and dedication for teachers and the teaching profession. Both Janet and Terry expressed their feelings that teachers should always have a voice at the table.

Please consider our endorsement as you make your decision at the polls. Also, please vote YES on the elementary and high school levies.

Thank you to the members of the team for their hard work—Maria Foot (chair), Michael Madsen, Erika McMillin, and Leighann Wilson


©2023 by Helena Education Association

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