School Board Endorsements
HEA is proud to endorse Siobhan Hathhorn and Kay Satre for the Helena Public Schools Board of Trustees. Both Siobhan and Kay have extensive backgrounds in education: Siobhan as a teacher, administrator and Trustee, Kay as a Carroll College professor and liaison with the secondary English teaching endorsement.
Both of these candidates display a passion for teachers and paraeducators and a deep appreciation of what we do each and every day in our classrooms. They understand the long hours that educators put in, and the issues that we deal with on a daily basis. Siobhan and Kay are aware of the social-emotional dysregulation that many of our students are feeling and have pledged to support teachers in their efforts to help these students and restore a sense of equilibrium.
Facilities master planning is seen as an ongoing need by both candidates, as well as improving communication with school staff and parents.
We hope you will join us in supporting Siobhan Hathhorn and Kay Satre for the Helena Board of Trustees.