Bargaining Update 11/9/21
November 9, 2021
Meeting Summary:
The HEA bargaining team met and discussed:
Facilitators for bargaining (Max Hallfrisch, Dept. of Labor and Industry)
Potential meetings beginning after January 1 (Wednesdays, 4-6p)
Methods for sharing information among bargaining members (shared Google folder)
Methods for member communication (HEA website)
Roles for bargaining members
o Jane: AA president conversations
o Adam: COLA research
o Joanne: historical district research
o Jonna: meeting notes
o Kelly: information organization
Various strategies and talking points discussion
Last raise to the PCAP scale was $780 added to each step in 2018-2019
Next Steps:
Jane will draft a letter with district, proposing Max Hallfrisch as bargaining facilitator
Next HEA Meeting: